A Bad Marriage Is Fattening
Can a bad marriage really be fattening? Yes it can! In my own bad marriage I went from 125 pounds to 275 pounds 20 years later. This is the story of how my unhappy marriage made me fat — and how I divorced my husband and moved on to a happier new life.


Joan Oshatz has a Master of Fine Arts in Screenwriting from UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television.   She has written two screenplays, Kidnapping Margo Sterling and June Bride Feldman.

Joan’s blog A Bad Marriage Is Fattening is a literary mélange of humor and pathos which she plans to publish as a memoir.

Why does Joan write about a bad marriage being fattening?  Because she is an expert on a bad marriage and gaining weight, having been in her own bad marriage for twenty years.  She went from 125 pounds at the beginning of her marriage to 275 pounds by the time her marriage ended and she divorced her physician husband.  But you don’t have to be married or even overweight to enjoy her blog.  Many people read her blog because they enjoy her sense of humor and they love her writing.

You can follow her on Twitter @JoanOshatz, connect with her on Facebook by searching for A Bad Marriage Is Fattening and e-mail her at abadmarriageisfattening@gmail.com

14 Responses to “About”

  1. I think I’m signing up to recieve the new posts notification. Did I do it right?

  2. I have read 10 entries in one sitting! At first I checked on you because somebody confirmed what I thought all along — a bad marriage is fattening! But I’m hooked in reading your entries — you’re such a great writer — I laughed and felt the pain at the same time. I’ll keep on reading while you keep on writing and shedding pounds:)

  3. Thank you for sharing, I first came across your blog a few months ago on “phitter.” I enjoy your candor and humor–and I am looking forward to new posts! Are you on twitter?

  4. You go girl! I’m hoping 2010 is a great year for you! I’m also still trying to lose the baby weight, so maybe you’ll encourage me to do so. Thank you so much for all of your lovely, supportive posts on BlogFrog. You’re awesome!

  5. Joan, you are very brave for writing about this.

    I hope this is a part of your healing.


  6. I’m stopping by from Red’s BF Community. Looking forward to reading your blog.

  7. The title is eye catching!! Many women can relate!! Adding to my favorites 🙂

  8. Just wanted to wish you the happiest of holidays and a healthy, happy and successful new year. May all your dreams come true.

  9. Hi Joan,
    You are a wonderful writer. Some of it made me wince. You were married to a real jackwagon.
    What direction are you going in now?

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